Contact Center in the Cloud

Control your company’s communications in a hybrid work environment.


The need for users – either citizens, clients, or members- to contact their hybrid organizations and devices is more relevant now than ever. The new global labor configuration and decentralization of offices has impacted quality levels, therefore increasing user dissatisfaction with Contact Center service quality.

Our solution maximizes the effective communication rate with clients by using highly configurable business rules, integration with CRM platforms incorporating API Rest technology, state-of-the art service powered by ASR (Automated Speech Recognition) and TTS ( Text-to-Speech), chat, social networking, and the power of omnichannel in the cloud.


The solution is located in the cloud and deploys automatically, allowing for rapid scaling without the need of large investments (SaaS, pay-per-use).


  • A robust, scalable, parameterizable, and flexible solution.
  • No need to invest in communication infrastructure.
  • Fast implementation.
  • Continual updates and upgrades at no additional cost.
  • Global telephony anywhere in the world.


Flexibility in the integration of the client’s existing applications. Since it’s not a closed-form product, it ranks us in a dominant position for providing top-level, high availability solutions. Thanks to the integration and partnerships between Eolos and global ITSP service providers, we can supply local phone services anywhere in the world in a matter of minutes.


Companies that use Omnichannel Contact Center technology in order to service their clients. For example: insurance companies, healthcare facilities, operator driven tech support services, cooperatives, government offices, etc.