Eolos Meet

Generate smarter videoconferences that allow you to connect more effectively with potential clients and work teams.


During the pandemic, the need for simple, fast, and easy to use videoconferencing tools was made evident. As part of its Communication Platform, Eolos features a videoconferencing solution embedded in its telecommunication platform. Eolos Meet arose as a Communication Platform spin-off meant to provide clients with a videoconferencing capacity, without the need for additional Eolos products.


The Eolos Meet solution is a multitenant platform hosted in the cloud, capable of simultaneously managing multiple organizations and their services. Supporting iOS, Android, PC and WebRTC technology, it can be used from any device and any location. Once an admin is established, the client can configure multiple meeting rooms and users capable of organizing virtual meetings.


  • A videoconferencing system integrated with your communication platform.
  • Sharing of desks, presentations, and videos.
  • Start videoconferences with just one click, no need to install applications.
  • Online document editing capacity with Etherpad.
  • Meeting rooms with free access or optional password security.
  • Ability to log the speech time for each participant.
  • Phone access to videoconferences.
  • Unlimited users.
  • PBX integration.


Eolos Meet is a featured service in our product suite. It is transparently integrated with our Communication Platform and provides conferencing capabilities and meeting room access with the added benefit of providing connectivity across your entire organization.


Eolos Meet integrates with Hosted PBX and Softswitch, becoming the ideal value-added companion for telecommunication providers.

Eolos Meet can also be integrated to other technologies via API Rest in order to complement the services offered to clients.